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5th Istanbul Initiative Summit Brought Together Leading Names on Addiction and Public Health

Istanbul Initiative is a global network of NGOs dedicated to advocating for prevention and recovery efforts. Launched with its first summit in 2019, the initiative focuses on preventing addictions and developing sustainable public health policies. The 5th Istanbul Initiative Summit was held on October 8-9, 2024, ahead of World Mental Health Day. This two-day hybrid event was held at the headquarters of the Turkish Green Crescent Society, with more than 50 participants from over 30 countries. During the 5th Istanbul Initiative Meeting, Country Green Crescents also participated and shared their knowledge and experiences in the field of addiction from Jordan, Albania, Somalia, and Ethiopia, South Africa, and Nigeria. Representatives from various countries delivered impactful presentations on addiction prevention strategies and successful practices. The event concluded with closing speeches from Türkiye's Minister of Family and Social Services, Ms. Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, and the Deputy President of the Turkish Green Crescent Society, Ms. Sümeyye Ceylan. With its commitment to collaboration and innovative approaches, the Istanbul Initiative remains a key platform for advancing efforts in addiction prevention and public health worldwide.

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The active participation of youth in efforts to prevent addiction and promote a healthy living plays an important role in raising healthy and strong generations of the future.  Involving youth in the Addiction Prevention Movement is the most important step towards positive changes at both individual and social levels.

As the International Federation of Green Crescent, we encourage the participation of youth from different countries of the world in our addiction prevention efforts with the aim of supporting healthy lifestyles of youth and preventing harmful habits.

The active participation of youth in addiction prevention is an important step towards a healthy society not only for today but also for the future. Therefore, it is important to increase efforts to engage youth in addiction prevention movement and encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition to strengthening efforts in this area, it also encourages youth to make healthy decisions in their own lives. This involvement raises awareness of youth regarding addiction prevention and contributes to their becoming more responsive members of their communities.

At the same time, the involvement of youth in this movement allows the strategies used in addiction prevention to be better adapted to their lifestyles and needs. Successful youth engagement is also an important way to achieve effective and sustainable solutions in addiction prevention. Youth involvement is particularly strong in areas such as advocacy, leadership and coordination. 


Advocacy efforts stand out as a key element in the engagement of youth who are members or volunteers of Country Green Crescents in addiction prevention. By playing an active role in raising awareness against harmful habits, supporting prevention efforts and promoting change in society, youth can effectively use social media and other communication tools to spread the messages of addiction prevention movement, participate in international events and make their voices heard internationally in these sessions, encouraging policy makers and decision makers to take action.


Leadership is a critical element of youth participation in addiction prevention. Youth who are members or volunteers of Country Green Crescents take on leadership roles in their countries and make a significant impact on addiction prevention. Through their leadership, they play an active role by organizing awareness activities, workshops and trainings to protect their friends and peers from negative habits.

Youth's leadership roles have an awareness-raising effect on addiction prevention. Being pioneers in their own environment and using youth-specific communication and influencing skills allows them to lead positive changes in their communities.


The coordination role is a critical component to support youth engagement in addiction prevention. As IFGC, we aim to foster cooperation and knowledge sharing among youth, enabling them to communicate and share good practices with youth from different Country Green Crescents. Developing the skills of youth to work together, understanding different cultures and creating a global network not only supports their individual development, but also has a positive impact on the health and well-being of societies.

This engagement, including advocacy, leadership and coordination, enhances youth's ability to address issues and plays an important role in building a healthy and informed society in the future.

As the International Federation of Green Crescent, we believe that youth participation in addiction prevention plays an important role and we offer special programs, sessions, trainings and resource support to encourage their active involvement in this process and enable them to maximize their potential, make their voices heard, develop their leadership skills and work together on a global level.

Genç Savunuculuk Forumu


Gençlerin Yeşilay Hareketi’ne katılımında temel bir unsur olarak öne çıkar. Gençler, zararlı alışkanlıklara karşı farkındalık yaratma, önleme çalışmalarına destek verme ve toplumda değişimi teşvik etme konusunda güçlü bir rol oynarlar. Yeşilay hareketinin mesajlarını yaymak için sosyal medya ve diğer iletişim araçlarını etkin bir şekilde kullanabilirler. Gençler, eşitlik, sağlık ve sürdürülebilirlik gibi konularda seslerini duyurarak, politika yapıcıları ve karar vericileri harekete geçirmeye teşvik edebilirler.


Gençlerin Yeşilay Hareketi’ne katılımında başka bir önemli unsur olarak ortaya çıkar. Gençler, kendi topluluklarında liderlik rollerini üstlenerek, arkadaşlarını ve akranlarını olumsuz alışkanlıklardan koruma konusunda aktif rol oynarlar. Etkili liderlik becerileri, gençlerin özgüvenlerini artırır, sorumluluk duygusu geliştirir ve başkalarına ilham verir.


Gençlerin Yeşilay hareketine katılımını desteklemek için kritik bir bileşendir. UYEF olarak, gençler arasında iş birliği ve bilgi paylaşımını teşvik ediyoruz. Gençlerin farklı Ülke Yeşilayları ile iletişim kurmaları ve en iyi uygulamaları paylaşmalarını sağlıyoruz. Gençlerin birlikte çalışma becerilerini geliştirmelerini, farklı kültürleri anlamalarını ve küresel bir ağ oluşturmalarını önemsiyoruz.

Gençlerin Yeşilay Hareketi’ne katılımı, sadece bireysel gelişimlerini desteklemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda toplumların sağlık ve refahına olumlu bir etki yapar. Savunuculuk, liderlik ve koordinasyon gibi unsurları içeren bu katılım, gençlerin sorunları ele alabilme yeteneklerini artırır ve geleceğin sağlıklı ve bilinçli toplumunun inşa edilmesine yardımcı olur.

UYEF olarak, gençlerin bağımlılıklarla mücadeledeki rolünün farkındayız ve hem gençlerin bu sürece katılımını teşvik etmek hem de potansiyellerini değerlendirmek için çaba sarf ediyoruz. Gençlerin seslerini duyurmalarına, liderlik becerilerini geliştirmelerine ve küresel düzeyde birlikte çalışmalarına yardımcı olmak için çeşitli programlar ve kaynaklar sunuyoruz. Gençlerin Yeşilay hareketinin geleceğinde önemli bir rol oynamalarını sağlayarak, daha sağlıklı, daha güçlü ve bağımlılıktan uzak bir dünya bir dünya inşa etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

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