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Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program was held for Country Green Crescents!

The International Federation of Green Crescent hosted an online training session regarding the Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program for Country Green Crescents from July 24-26. Expert volunteers from 19 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Palestine, Gambia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Somalia, Tanzania, Greece and Zimbabwe, participated in the training program. By the end of the program, 50 participants earned certification as Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program practitioners.

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As the International Federation of Green Crescent, we emphasize the importance of regional cooperation and events to prevent addiction. Regional meetings provide an opportunity for countries and stakeholders in the same geographical region to come together to share information, exchange experiences and develop common strategies in addiction prevention.

Regional meetings create a strong network between countries in the region. They enable countries with similar addiction problems to share challenges and successes. This exchange of information is of great value for developing more effective solutions and strengthening strategies to prevent addiction at the regional level.

Regional meetings also foster cooperation. Countries and stakeholders can develop joint projects at regional level, pool resources and support each other by sharing experiences. These meetings contribute to the creation of regional addiction prevention networks and support the development of collaborative solutions towards common goals. Regional meetings provide an important platform for communication and collaboration between national policy makers, health experts, academics and civil society organizations. At these meetings, new research, prevention approaches, innovative treatment methods and best practices are shared. In addition, regional meetings provide an opportunity to evaluate the work done in the field of addiction prevention and to determine future action plans.

These meetings accelerate progress in addiction prevention at the regional level and ensure the dissemination of effective solutions. At the same time, it aims to focus countries and stakeholders on common goals, increase information sharing and encourage learning from each other.

To this end, as the International Federation of Green Crescent, we encourage our member Country Green Crescents to organize regular regional meetings throughout the year to strengthen their cooperation and communication at the regional level and we provide guidance to our members during the meetings when necessary.

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