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Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program was held for Country Green Crescents!

The International Federation of Green Crescent hosted an online training session regarding the Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program for Country Green Crescents from July 24-26. Expert volunteers from 19 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Palestine, Gambia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Somalia, Tanzania, Greece and Zimbabwe, participated in the training program. By the end of the program, 50 participants earned certification as Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program practitioners.

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The perception of electronic cigarettes as "harmless" can lead individuals using these products to underestimate the health risks. However, research indicates that electronic cigarettes have negative effects on health. The International Federation of Green Crescent (IFGC) collaborates with Country Green Crescents in addiction prevention, the growing threat of electronic cigarettes.

Not Water Vapor

Electronic cigarettes, commonly known as e-cigarettes, have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are commercial products that deliver nicotine vapor, similar to smoking, through inhalation. The liquid in the heating chamber or cartridge contains nicotine and some substances that facilitate nicotine intake. Due to these substances, nicotine addiction can be rapidly and easily developed. Electronic cigarettes are highly addictive, leading to significant harm.

While electronic cigarettes are often perceived as less harmful alternatives to traditional tobacco cigarettes, the aerosol produced during their use typically contains vaporized nicotine. This aerosol is inhaled into the lungs by the user. Unfortunately, there is a misconception among various segments of society that electronic cigarettes are harmless.


The use and sale of electronic cigarettes are subject to different legal regulations in many countries. Some countries have taken measures, such as banning the sale of electronic cigarettes to young people. The World Health Organization's (WHO) 2021 report titled "New and Emerging Products on the Global Tobacco Epidemic" includes data on electronic nicotine delivery systems. According to the report, 32 out of 111 countries covering 2.4 billion people ban the sale of electronic nicotine delivery system products, while 79 countries covering 3.2 billion people partially or completely accept one or more legal measures regulating these products.

Country Green Crescents operating under the International Federation of Green Crescent play a leading role in preventing electronic cigarette addiction through training programs and awareness campaigns. These efforts aim to reduce the negative effects of electronic cigarette addiction on society, supporting the mission of creating lasting change. The interactive structure of the International Federation of Green Crescent enables Country Green Crescents to play an active role not only at the local level but also on international platforms.

By sharing their experiences in preventing electronic cigarette addiction, participating in global activities alongside other Country Green Crescents facing similar issues, making presentations, they effectively contribute to the global prevention of electronic cigarette addiction. The projects and organizations carried out by Country Green Crescents play a significant role in preventing electronic cigarette addiction and protecting public health.

Harmful Aspects of Electronic Cigarettes:

Electronic cigarettes, perceived as less harmful alternatives to traditional tobacco cigarettes due to features such as not containing tobacco and producing vapor instead of smoke, have gained popularity among those who want to maintain nicotine addiction. However, this perception is based on a misconception. Below are further details on the fundamental reasons for this misconception and its inconsistency with reality.

Nicotine Addiction and Electronic Cigarettes: Electronic cigarettes can be perceived as a misleading way for users to continue nicotine addiction due to the presence of nicotine. However, nicotine addiction is a risk in both types of cigarette use, so electronic cigarettes do not reduce or eliminate this addiction. 

Chemical Content and Health Risks: The vapor produced by electronic cigarettes contains various chemicals besides nicotine. While there is insufficient information about the long-term effects of these chemicals, some studies suggest that inhaling these substances can have negative effects on health. Therefore, the belief that electronic cigarettes are entirely harmless does not align with reality.

Youth and Electronic Cigarette Use: The increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes among young people raises concerns about nicotine addiction and health risks, especially in this age group. Unfortunately, young people aged 18-24 use electronic cigarettes more than older individuals. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that children and young adults are at risk of electronic cigarette use, urging both parents and teachers to be aware and cautious.

Advertising and Marketing Strategies: The electronic cigarette industry often markets its products as less harmful. However, these marketing strategies may pose a risk of providing consumers with incomplete or misleading information about real health risks. Accurate information about health can help consumers make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the perception of electronic cigarettes as a less harmful alternative is widespread in the community, but this perception is inconsistent with real health risks and scientific research.

True Nature of Aerosol:

The "vapor" produced during the use of electronic cigarettes is actually an aerosol containing substances such as nicotine, propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin. This aerosol is inhaled by the electronic cigarette user. In this case, the product generated is not truly vapor but an aerosol.

Consequences of Misbeliefs:

Perceiving electronic cigarettes as "harmless" can lead users of these products to underestimate health risks. However, there is insufficient information about the long-term effects of the chemical substances in electronic cigarettes and some studies indicate that these products can have negative effects on health.

Health and Safety Concerns:

With the increasing use of electronic cigarettes, concerns about the chemical substances they contain, especially among young people and young adults, have come to the forefront. Research suggests that electronic cigarette use, especially among young people, can affect addiction and brain development.

Conscious Use and Education:

As the use of electronic cigarettes increases in society, accurate information about the harms of electronic cigarettes becomes crucial. Health professionals should educate individuals about the potential risks of electronic cigarettes and create awareness in the community. This detailed information aims to contribute to the community's conscious decision-making regarding electronic cigarette use and highlight potential health risks.

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The International Federation of Green Crescent recently held its inaugural webinar, titled "The Art of Fundraising," as part of its Capacity Building Program. This initiative aims to help Country Green Crescents more effectively access international and regional funding sources. The webinar, held on December 21, 2023, brought together 55 representatives from 24 countries and featured insights from five distinguished speakers across two sessions. The first session, "Fundraising Strategies and Opportunities for NGOs", included presentations by Matej Kosir from UTRIP and Jan Peloza from Impact Hub. The second session, "Empowering Fundraising Capacity in NGOs," featured a presentation by Dr. Mohammed Tariq Sonnan from UNODC. This was followed by exchanging experience from Dr. Ahmed Fairuz Bin Mohamed, President of Green Crescent Malaysia; Dr. Tajudeen Abiola, Secretary General of Green Crescent Nigeria; and Dr. Mousa Daoud, President of Green Crescent Jordan. In a poignant moment during the program, we honored Dr. Omar Farwana, President of Green Crescent Palestine, who tragically lost his life along with his family during the Gaza attacks on October 15. A commemoration speech and a short film were presented in his memory. The International Federation of Green Crescent will continue its webinar series under the Capacity Building Program, aiming to guide and support Country Green Crescents in effectively utilizing international and regional funding sources and enhancing their overall capacities.

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