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Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program was held for Country Green Crescents!

The International Federation of Green Crescent hosted an online training session regarding the Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program for Country Green Crescents from July 24-26. Expert volunteers from 19 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Palestine, Gambia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Somalia, Tanzania, Greece and Zimbabwe, participated in the training program. By the end of the program, 50 participants earned certification as Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program practitioners.

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As the International Federation of Green Crescent (IFGC), we work for public health. We strive on behalf of all people without discrimination. Protecting, ensuring and strengthening public health is the goal of our activities as a network of civil society organizations aimed at allowing everyone from 7 to 70 years old to lead dignified lives.

We advocate for the awareness of the right to a healthy life for every individual.

We believe that with the increase of people who are sensitive to this issue, a door will be opened to a pristine world, and independent generations will emerge. Therefore, we work on prevention, treatment-rehabilitation and advocacy activities related to public health both at the social and decision-making levels.

We embrace a public health perspective that necessitates democratic and meaningful participation from all sectors. We accomplish this by coming together under the IFGC platform. Thus, we share our knowledge and expertise with countries worldwide and call for dialogue to build our capacity to improve the situations of those in need. With many countries around the world, we aim to assist people in living in peace and dignity. We are aware that public health issues and crises pose significant obstacles in this path. To overcome this, we are taking important steps towards public health.

IFGC members also contribute to the Istanbul Initiative. In this context, participants share their experiences regarding public health policies and develop regional collaborations to improve public policies in their respective countries.

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