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Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program was held for Country Green Crescents!

The International Federation of Green Crescent hosted an online training session regarding the Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program for Country Green Crescents from July 24-26. Expert volunteers from 19 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Palestine, Gambia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Somalia, Tanzania, Greece and Zimbabwe, participated in the training program. By the end of the program, 50 participants earned certification as Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program practitioners.

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The International Federation of Green Crescent (IFGC) provides services within the framework of ethical values ​​while adhering to the following principles, which are the main principles of international corporate governance

Voluntary Professionalism

They carry out all activities with a professional perspective and volunteer motivation while considering social benefit.

Effective Management

They effectively manage their assets and resources in accordance with the principles of good management towards their goals and objectives.


They provide sufficient, accurate and comparable information about the institution's financial, material and economic issues in a timely, tangible and understandable manner.


They clearly define the rules and responsibilities of management and adopt the principle of transparency and openness to the public with a sense of social responsibility.


They ensure that their activities and services comply with the fundamental principles of the Green Crescent Movement, national and international relevant legislation, internal regulations and societal and ethical values.

Justice and Equality

They embrace equal treatment and impartiality towards third parties in all their activities.

Healthy Working Environment

They support the preservation of the physical and mental health of their employees, especially in terms of work-life balance. A healthy working approach is considered an important achievement for the Federation, and efforts are made to promote this concept globally.

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