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Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program was held for Country Green Crescents!

The International Federation of Green Crescent hosted an online training session regarding the Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Practitioner Training Program for Country Green Crescents from July 24-26. Expert volunteers from 19 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Palestine, Gambia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Somalia, Tanzania, Greece and Zimbabwe, participated in the training program. By the end of the program, 50 participants earned certification as Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program practitioners.

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The International Capacity Building Program of Green Crescent is organized annually by the International Federation of Green Crescents as a sum of all capacity building activities to improve the scientific, academic and advocacy development of the Country Green Crescents, to increase their national, regional and international activities, to share best practices among each other and to improve their vision with the training and implementation support provided by many institutions and organizations, especially international organizations.

1,464 people have participated in the International Capacity Building Program of Green Crescent, which was held for the first time in 2016. 55 representatives from 23 countries participated in 2016, 68 representatives from 32 countries in 2017, 91 representatives from 42 countries in 2018, 180 representatives from 85 countries in 2019, 200 representatives from 81 countries in 2020, 450 representatives from 95 countries in 2021, and 420 representatives from 100 countries in 2022.

The programs include special sessions where experts in the field of addiction prevention share their knowledge and experiences, as well as various sessions where Country Green Crescents present good practices and case studies from their countries. The International Capacity Building Program of Green Crescent, which includes motivational speakers and workshops on areas such as communication, corporate and personal development as well as addiction, continues its journey enriched by the ever-growing volunteer network of the Green Crescent Movement.

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